Chasing Tomorrow, Losing Today: The Hidden Cost of Future Goals on Present Joy

Choosing Love Over Dreams. A Deep Dive into the Personal Cost of Sacrificing Ambitions for Loved Ones.

Nicholas Landers
5 min readJan 8, 2024
Photo by Pratham Mahajan:

In the midst of life’s monotony, there are moments where a melody captures us and we are transported to a future that we have meticulously designed in our minds. This future is not just a flight of fancy, it is a very real possibility that we have the power to usher it into existence. However, as we delve deeper into this alternate reality, we begin to realize that the path to our envisioned future necessitates an upheaval of nearly everything we hold dear in our present lives; from our closest relationships to our most cherished pastimes. The question that arises then is this: Is it worth sacrificing the present for the sake of an idealized future?

Self-help gurus like Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn urge us to strive for our dreams and to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of our goals. They preach the importance of curating our lives to create a fulfilling existence that ignites our passion. And yet, as we begin to embark on this journey, we are faced with the harsh reality that not everyone can come along for the ride.



Nicholas Landers

An anxious writer/author who explores the laws of success and, occasionally, greater humanitarian issues. @TeacherInYourPocket on Insta and YouTube.